Friday, December 28, 2012

Exhibit 22 - Brown & Associates

And here is the smoking gun which shocked me into awareness of the Real Problem.  Craig signed these papers, retaining Brown and Associates on July 5, 1996,  I knew nothing about it until he was hospitalized in January 1997.


Exhibit 59 - Declaration by Doug Greene, 1999

Exhibit 59 - Annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit 51, true and exact copies of the original in my possession of “Exhibit 59 - Declaration by Doug Greene, 1999,” a true and exact copy of the original in my possession, these facts are referenced herein as though set forth in full. 

Declaration by Doug Greene

My name is Douglas Greene, and I have known the Pillsbury-Foster-Franklin family since 1991. By profession I am a political consultant. I am now setting up a software company in New York.
In early October of this year Morgan Pillsbury called me and relayed the following stories.
She told me that Melinda, her mother, had encouraged both of her sons to have sexual intercourse with a young woman she brought into the house. Morgan said her name was Tiffany in a subsequent conversation.
Morgan further told me that she had had both her mother and a former boy friend, Eugene Volokh, thrown out of the Libertarian Party. I assume she meant in California. She said she did this because they were both weird.
Morgan then told me she was working as a Libertarian volunteer under Michael Emerling, who is the head of the Libertarian Party.
She told me that Melinda had accused her of stealing jewelry, leaving a message to that effect on Morgan’s answering machine.
I did not believe her. I know that Michael Emerling Cloud is not the head of any Libertarian organization. I have had dealings with Melinda and know her to be reliable. I would not doubt her word.
I know that Morgan has lied to me in the past and believe she was lying to me about these assertions.
Morgan mentioned that she is trying to avoid service of a supoena for a deposition from Melinda.

Exhibit 58 - House Inventory for property division, June 5, 1999

Exhibit 58 - Annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit 51, true and exact copies of the original in my possession of “Exhibit 58 - House Inventory for property division, June 5, 1999 ,” a true and exact copy of the original in my possession, these facts are referenced herein as though set forth in full.

Note: Amendment to original inventory: June 5, 1999
Items Melinda wants are indicated by bold print. Total value on last page.

House Inventory
Spring 1998
Family Room &Family Room Closet

C=Community Property W=Wife’s H=Husband’s o=other resident N=Non-profit

Items that Craig took or may have caused to have taken from house before separation
C CD Collection of 500 cds. Craig took with him. I do not know where they are now. $20,000
C Guitar - Martin, good quality, $1,500
C 2 sony sound systems - $1,000
C Books - $800
C New top quality suit case - $450.00

These items were removed by either Craig or Morgan. I have filed a Police Report (Case No. 98-19046) Prudential claim filed: Claim No. 34S1571018035.
W Platinum and diamond wedding and engagement rings - MPF, belonged to
W Melinda’s mother- $12,000 (taken by Craig or Morgan, access probably provided by Craig)
W Baby clothes - $500
W Baby Book - $300
W Correspondence - $600

Closet in Dawn’s Bedroom
C Small refrigerator - bought used. $10.00
C Fan - used $10.00 (broken)
W Sewing supplies - MPF Purchased prior to 1984
C 1 box assorted ribbon - $10.00 (used up)
W 49 used patterns - MPF Purchased prior to 1984
C 23 used patterns - $10.00 (disposed of)
C 10 spools of thread, used - $4.00 (used up)
W Yarn - MPF ‘69 - ‘85
W Small table, MPF Melinda used as a child
O Clothing - Dawn
O Coat hangers - Ayn
O Clothing in drawers, Dawn and Ayn
W five heaters, acquired since separation
W Cardboard storage unit - MPF Purchased prior to 1984
C Plastic Laundry baskets 2 @ $.59 each Pic & Save (given away)
C 3 flowered cardboard storage chests @ $15.99 now worth $5.00 for all

Dawn’s Bedroom
O Dawn’s sewing machine - Dawn
O Cabinet - Dawn, moved down from SLO
O bedside table and lamp - Ayn, from Bombay Company
N Two book cases - donated to Foundations
W 2 sets of drawers and bookcase tops - MPF acquired from father, 1989
W Day bed- MPF acquired from father, 1989
W Small gateleg table - MPF acquired by purchase 1971
C Credenza - acquired 1995 - $400.00
C Melinda’s Sewing Machine acquired in 1987 - $100.00
C Love seat acquired in 1987 - $30.00
C Set of 3 tables from IKEA - $60.00
C Sewing Machine Chair, recovered by Melinda from garage sale - $10.00
C 3 pictures - $4.50 each from Pic & Save worth $2.00 for all
C Ironing Board with cover - $9.00 used
O Clothing in Drawers - Dawn
W 5 photos - Melinda’s from father
W Framed print - free, leftover from garage sale for BPW
C Small green rug - Pic & Save $5.00
O Videos - Dawn’s
O Tapes - Dawn’s
O Television - Dawn’s
O Stereo - Dawn’s
O Chair - from garage sale, Dawn’s

W Poetry books - MPF. purchased prior to 1985
O Dawn’s Books
O Ayn’s books
C Community Books - $100.00

Central Closet
14 boxes of fabric
O 7 Dawn’s
W 4 MPF Purchased prior to 1984
C 3 boxes of fabric - $75.00 (used up 1998 - 1999)
C 1 box glue and paints - $5.00
C 1 box greeting cards - $5.00
C 1 box balloons - $5.00
C 1 box feathers, badges & craft ribbon - $3.00
C 1 box children’s stickers - $2.00
C/W 1 box ribbons, fans, flowers, and special event supplies - $10.00 (oops, at least half was acquired before marriage.) $2.50
C 1 box plasticware - $5.00 (used up)
W 1 box wrapping paper - pretty old, not worth anything
C 14 stuffed animals to give as gifts - $14.00 Purchased from Oriental Trading Co. & Pic & Save (given away 1998)
C 2 angel-shaped candles - $.99 each, Pic & Save (burned)
W 1 red holly-scented candle - Acquired since Separation
W 4 ornate “joy” candles - Acquired since Separation
W 5 sets of pine cone candles, purchased since separation
C 2 angel-covered photo albums - $1.00 each (given away)
W 1 box napkins - $5.00 Acquired since Separation (used up)
C 1 box boxes - nothing (Craig can have half of them)
W 1 box hot drink cups (used) Acquired since Separation
W 1 box cold drink cups - (used) Acquired since Separation
W 1 package white doilies -Acquired since Separation
C/W 3 clear plastic ladles $.67 each (Craig can have one) $.40
C pile of used plastic picnic plates - nothing (Craig can have them)
C 1 life-size plastic skeleton - cost $7.50 at Pic’n’Save, used worth $3.00
C 5 rolls partially used plastic table covering in various colors - $6.00(used up)
O Children’s toys - Belong to kids
C 3 boxes of small toys for grandchildren - $25.00
C Boxes and bags of fake flowers, used - $10.00
C/W Boxes of family photos - no value, Craig can have copies of all from marriage on June 21, 87 to January 23, 1998, at his cost. No earlier pictures available to him.
W Box of mementos from Melinda’s Father - MPF
W Orotones Gift to Melinda from Father and Anne Gripp (see inventory)

Linen Closet

C Sheets, pillow cases blankets - $60.00 (now worth $30.00)
W Sheets, pillow cases, blankets, quilt, acquired before 1985
O Kid’s linens, mostly acquired before marriage
C 2 pillows, Pic & Save - $2.50 each new, used $1.00

W Vases - Mostly acquired before marriage
C five acquired since, plastic, $5.00


C/W Dishes, correlle, 1/2 acquired before marriage, worth $35.00
C Glasses, $9.00
W Tupperware, acquired before marriage
W KitchenAide Mixer, gift
W Toaster, acquired since separation
W Coffee maker
W Knife set, to balance traffic tickets. $1,000
C/W Cooking ware, $50.00
W Kitchen implements, before marriage & gifts
C Washer & Dryer $400 set (now worth $250.00)
C Refrigerator, has needed repairs recently. $200
W Set bowls, first marriage
W Fondue pot, first marriage
W Blender
W Chopper
W Antique dishes, gifts & acquisitions before marriage
W Hot pad, gift from Arthur, made in scouts
C Bread Box, $5.00
W Electric kettle, gift
W Rice maker, after separation
W Hot water pot, after separation
W serving pieces, gifts and before marriage
W Tea pots, gifts & before marrige
W Food, spices, cleaning supplies
O Wine, Dawn is making the stuff.


C 2 tables, one chair, $50
C 1 unbrella, $30
W 1 unbrella, acquired after separation
W 1 marble topped table, had since 1971
W 2 chairs, since 1971, matching
C Planters, Pic & Save, $4.00

Breakfast nook

W Table & chairs - MPF acquired 1983
W Buffet - MPF acquired 1985
W 2 matching buffets with bookcase tops - MPF acquired from father, 1989
W White painted buffet, bookcase - MPF acquired 1959
W Linen chest - acquired from parents, 1989
W Linens - from mother, three nice lace table cloths
W Three table cloths bought since separtion
W Three table cloths, bought at used store - $20.00
W 2 Table cloths, gifts from Craig on Honeymoon with napkins
C set of 6 lace table clothes from Domestications. Purchased for $9.99 each. Very worn. Estimate worth at $3.00 each - $30.00
C Set of 6 pink table clothes from Domestications, newer, Craig can have these.
C cloth napkins 60% acquired before marriage, 40% afterwards, worth $20.00
W Tea cloths

C 30 twisted stem wine glasses - Domestications purchased for $1.00 each new, worth $10.00 for all
W 9 4-faceted stem wine glasses
W 8 plain champagne flutes
C 2 African violets - $.99 each at Vons (died)
C 3 wooden trivets - $5.00 each (One scorched $7.50)
W 1 stuffed frog - was a gift for Craig, didn’t have a chance to give it to him.
C 1 stack brown lunch bags - Vons- $.50 (Used up)
C 1 can Sterno fondue fuel - $.30 (used up)
W 2 broken tea cups - need fixing, cost nothing
C 1 box table decorations
C 1 white mini broom and dustpan set - Vons spring round up $.99
W 1 drawer dish towels - some acquired from 1976 on.
C 3 small cobalt blue bowls with gold rims - Ross for Less, $3.00 (broke)
C 1 large cobalt blue plate with gold rim - Ross for Less, $4.00 (given away)
C 1 large cobalt blue bowl with gold rim - Ross for Less, $6.00
C 2 copper candle holders - garage sale, $3.00 for pair
W 38 white candles - $.25 ea. Pic & Save, acquired after separation
W 11 red candles - $.39 ea. Pic & Save, acquired after separation
O 2 partially burned black candles Pic & Save
C 2 white ghost Halloween novelty candles Pic & Save $.39
W 2 golden candles - gift to Melinda from Christmas last year
C 2 orange Halloween novelty candles - $.88
C 4 green candles $.25 ea. (used up)
C 1 partially full box Hannukah candles - Vons $1.00 (gone)
W 1 silver wine bucket - wedding gift - sent to Craig, he left in garage
C 2 aluminum platters - $2.00 each from Pic & Save - $4.00
C 1 aluminum wire fruit bowl - Pic & Save, $2.00
C 1 aluminum bowl - garage sale, $6.00
C 2 pair silver tongs - garage sale, $5.00
C 3 large silver ladles - purchased from William-Sonoma, $7.00 each
W 2 silver and gold serving spoons - Garage sale, $2.00
C 1 blue crennelated glass dish - IKEA, $4.00
C 2 large Revereware Jefferson cups, gift from Craig
2 engraved “INTEL” and “USC University Hospital Richard K. Eamer Medical Plaza May 16, 1991” - gift from Craig’s father, obviously very valuable. Collector’s Items $20.00
C 6 chicken shaped glass egg cups - Domestications, $5.00
W 6 small Revereware cups - gift from Craig
W 1 vanilla orchid - Purchased from Santa Barbara Orchid Estate for $35.00 Craig can have this, too for only $35.00 (died)

W Various glassware, MPF Melinda’s, from Mother
W Two punch bowls, with matching cups, one from Melinda’s mother, the second from Melinda’s second wedding.
W China tea set, Melinda’s birthday present, 1991

Living Room

W Buffet - birthday gift from parents, 1974
O Piano - gift to children from Craig Franklin, 1985
W Framed pictures of family - acquired at various times, Melinda’s (Wedding pictures have been properly disposed of)
W Framed sampler - MPF heirloom gift to Melinda, acquired from father in 1989
C Flowered Pink couch IKEA, as is, ($100.00 damaged)
C Flowered Pink loveseat - IKEA, as is, ($70.00 (damaged)
C 1 dining room table - purchased from previous owner of house $400
C 6 chairs (yellow velveteen seats) - with table
C 1 upholstered white leather chair - $50.00
W Pillows, acquired before marrige and recovered
C 1 small round table, simulated cherry finish - Bombay Company with daughter discount $25.00
C 1 painting, orange cat and books with frame - Bombay Co. Ayn discount, $20.00
C 1 folding leaf table - Purchased used for $75.00
C 1 oval coffee table - Bombay Co., Ayn discount, $80.00
C 1 fireplace screen - $50.00
C 3 wicker chairs - IKEA as-is room, $19.00 each in 1994, used $30.00 all
C 1 green ceramic urn with lid - Pic & Save, $15.00
C 1 white ceramic wall plant stand - Ross for Less, $5.00
C 1 large Golden Porthos - gift from Dolores and Dee when we moved in.
C 1 small round rug - Pic & Save, $19.00, worth $5.00
C 9 small African violets - $.99 each at Vons (two died) $3.00
C 1 blue ship-shaped bottle with cork - Rummage give away at meeting
C 2 molded glass tall candle holders - Wedding gift from Bergland & Ayres $30.00
W Plant in white container, gift from Edi to Melinda in 1982
C 2 white candles - $.25 each, Pic & Save
O small wooden table - Bombay Co., Ayn Discount and damaged
C 1 set fireplace utensils - $40 from closing store
C 16 settings flatware (hammered finish handles) Bought at Robinsons in 1996 - $200
C 16 (minus) settings flatware bought at Oneida store in Solvang in 1996 Missing spoons & forks, replaced after separation $60.00
C 1 aluminum toast rack - garage sale, $1.00
C Electric Wok - gift from the Clarks $10.00
C Fake Ficus - came with house. Maybe Craig want’s it?

C Sterling Silver - gifts to the two of us with exception of one spoon, gift by me to Craig in 1984. Value $2,000
O Cat scratching post - Dawn’s
W Silver Tea Set, Melinda bought for $125.00 at garage sale. Craig’s birthday gift to her for several years.

Master Bedroom

Bedroom furniture:
W Cherrywood bed - acquired in 1972
W Cherrywood dresser - acquired in 1972
C Bedclothes - well worn, $25.00
C Melinda’s nightgowns bought for Craig (Does he want them)
W Underwear, bras
W Jeans, pants
W Easy-care formals - MPF, Personal clothing
W Walnut side table - acquired in 1959, Melinda refinished several times
W Maple dresser with mirror - Melinda, acquired in 1962
W Clothing in drawers, Melinda’s (Won’t fit you, Craig)
W Secretary desk, heirloom, gift from father - 1989
W Stationary and heirloom items, gifts from mother
W Chair - 1985 MPF
W Book case - MPF gift from father, made by Uncle Ernie, 1989
W Items on book case - MPF gifts from mother
W Rocking chair - MPF gift from father, 1989
W Bow front dresser, MPF birthday gift, 1994
W In Dresser, vitamins, cosmetics, spare hairdryer, travel supplies MPF Personal, much of it acquired this year.

C large television set - $150
C Stereo - $75
C Bose tape player - $500
C 2 lamps on tables - $10.00 for pair (Domestications)
C 2 lamps on walls - in place with house
C Cherry filing cabinet - $70.00
C small rug - Oriental Trading Co. - $15.00
C 2 line phone - $30.00
C clock - $10.00 maybe. It’s pretty old and ugly. I actually hate the thing
O small lightwood drawers, Ayn, on loan to me, contains soap and other disposible items
C TV cabinet - I assembled, $10.00
W Marble heart on Melinda’s dresser, gift from Mother in 1967
W Carved wood box, gift from Craig I really liked, almost as much as the slippers.
W Tape of Craig performing at ‘91 convention in Chicago
W Jewelry box, gift from Ayn
W Jewelry - all Melinda’s separate property, all gifts
W 2 Engagement rings
W wedding rings (3)
W 15 pairs of earrings
W three gold necklesses
W One garnet (not ruby) bracelet - took it to jeweller. Not worth much.
W Swan brooch - was a gift from my adored husband.
W 2 fake gold rings

Closet, Master Bedroom
W Melinda’s clothing and shoes, Craig removed his long ago.
C Box of H. Ross CannonBall tapes, rare collector’s items - $5,000 (cost of production) I want 5 tapes)
W Melinda’s old jewelry box, gift from parents in 1958
Contents: Mementos MPF
W Jewelry box, gift from kids, 1980, I think.
C 2 Plastic clothes hamper, tops missing - $1.00

C 2 stackable white shelving units, Melinda assembled - $10.00 each new, used, $10.00 both
W Bath soaps - MPF
W Bubble bath - MPF
W 2 vases - MPF, Purchased prior to 1984
W 2 African violets in containers, acquired after separation
W Rabbit dish - MPF, gift
W Towels, pink and green, Purchased prior to 1984
W Basket with bath salts - MPF gave to Mother in 1974, got it back when she died.
C Rack under sink - $1.00
C Trash can under sink - $1.00
W Toilet paper, purchased since separation
W Sanitary supplies - MPF
W Plastic Travel bag - MPF
W Toiletries - MPF Purchases since separation

Luggage Closet
C Case Melinda uses, used $150.00
W Old suit case
W Old suit case
W old suitcase
W old suitcase
W Oldlamp
W Bags

Upstairs Library

C Blue oriental rug - present from Larry and Mei worth $1,500?)
O 3 viewing tubes - belong to kids I guess. Not mine or Craig’s

W/C Fiction Library, including science fiction - mostly paperbacks (I had a large library before marriage. I estimate this collection to be 65% mine, 35% Craig’s Worth maybe $200
N Furniture - Donated to non-profits
N Non-fiction library donated to Non-profits
C Books, fiction (I had a large librry before marriage. I estimate this collection to be 65% mine, 35% Craig’s Worth maybe $500

Library room off Justin’s room

W Children’s books acquired before marriage (none purchased since)
W book case - MPF acquired from Father, 1972
O Desk - on loan from Morgan, I am going to sell it to paymyself back for her thefts, in part.
O Justin’s stuff, his property, trifle with it at your own risk

Justin’s room
O I am not brave enough to venture within.
It isn’t worth much, and it is his, just ask him.

Ed’s Room
O Table and chairs, inherited from Jeff by Ed
O Bed, dresser, side table and stereo cabinet, gifts to Ed
O Filing cabinet, gift to Ed
O Clothing in closet - Ed’s , dresses stored there for Dawn
O Television - Ed’s, gift on birthday
O Stereo, he bought it several years ago.
O Computer, gift to Ed.

N Desks, computers, fax machine, filing cabinets, donated to non-profits
W Personal files
N Stationary supplies, paper, paper cutter, postal scale


C Plastic chairs - 10 worth $3.00 each, used
W Folding chairs, 10
W Small round table, Melinda’s in 1978
W The Thing - Melinda’s, from her father, 1972
C Two storage shelves in pine $10.00each
C one storage shelf, old bookcase - $5.00
W Ukranian Easter egg dyes and jars - should be replaced Does Craig want them?
W 13 bottles Noni juice
C Old filing cabinet - (has my cake pans in it and the kids diving gear)
Diving gear belongs to kids, cake pans I have had since the ‘70’s
O Three bikes, one for Justin Ed and Dawn, their property
O Ed’s motorcycles (1)
O Ed’s tools
O Justin’s tools
O Athletic equipment
Cat travelling boxes
C 2 community property - $10.00
O 2 belong to kids
O Cat feeder - belongs to cats
O Cat box - belongs to cats
O Purple boxes containing Ayn’s storage
O Boxes and bags with Dawn’s stuff
O Box with Kids costumes - Melinda made before marriage, belong to kids, anyway.

Hallway:, top of stairs
W Pictures, Melinda’s, from family (Craig’s went with him)
W Small table with drawer - MPF acquired in 1985
C Vase - from Pic & Save - $3.00
C Mirrored tray - $8.00

Exhibit 57 - Checks written by Melinda from January 1, 1998 - January 23, 1998

Exhibit 57 - Annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit 51, true and exact copies of the original in my possession of “Exhibit 57 - Checks written by Melinda from January 1, 1998 - January 23, 1998,” a true and exact copy of the original in my possession, these facts are referenced herein as though set forth in full. 

Items paid for by Melinda between January 1, 1998 and January 23rd, date of separation at 11:35 pm.

check no.

7239 12/28/97 Barbara Moore - $110.00 Food in Hawaii

7239 12/28/97 Henry Venning - $280.00 - Kyaking for family

7246 1/3/98 Anaith Phillips - $350.00 - family massage, Melinda, Dawn & Ed

ATM - 1/3/98 cash, for food Hawaii

7242 1/1/98 Ayn Pillsbury - $100.00 reimbursed for cosmetics for Melinda

7246 1/3/98 Anuth Phillips - $350.00 - massage for Melinda and family.

7250 1/9/98 Chase Manhattan - $250.00 - Household items and gifts

7251 1/7/98 Cox Cable - $50.00 - Utility for household

7252 1/7/98 Orthopedic Surgical Group - $27.50 - Medical for Ed.

7254 1/7/98 Dr. Sandin - $17.86 - Ed, Medical

7255 1/7/98 Dr. Magneson - $127.45 - Ed, dental

7256 1/7/98 Pueblo Radiology Medical Group - $13.00 - Ed medical

7257 1/7/98 Pueblo Radiology Medical Group - $1,824.48 - Ed, medical

7258 1/7/98 RMS - $220.00 - gardener

7260 1/7/98 Editors & Publishers - $65.00 - subscription

7259 1/7/98 Orthopedic - $181.49 - Ed, Medical

7261 1/7/98 Wall St. Journal - $299.00 - subscription

7262 1/7/98 SUWS - $720 - Justin, educational evaluation

7263 1/7/98 City of Santa Barbara - $240 - Water and Power

7264 1/7/98 Dr. Jones - $340 - Ed, Medical

7265 1/8/98 Cat & Bird Clinic - $232 - vet bill

7266 1/8/98 Vons - $80.00 - groceries

7267 1/8/98 Citibank - $1,300 - Craig’s credit card

7268 1/8/98 News Press - $133.35 - subscription

7269 1/8/98 Vons - $45.00 - Groceries

7270 1/9/98 Dr. Marquart - $140.00 - therapy

7271 1/9/98 Party World - $57.82 - Ed’s birthday party (Craig attended)

7272 1/9/98 Trader Joe’s - $20.28 - Groceries

7273 1/9/98 AT&T cell phone - $325.00 - Melinda’s cell phone

7275 1/9/98 Roshannah - $115.00 - cleaning house

7276 1/9/98 Vons - $20.00 - groceries

7277 1/9/98 Martinizing - $38.38 - Craig’s drycleaning for Europe

7278 1/9/98 Anesthesia Association Med. Group - $780.80 - Ed, medical

7280 1/9/98 Air Touch Cellular - $101.63 - old cell phone

7281 1/10/98 AT&T - $700 - house phone bill

7283 1/11/98 American Express - $16,070.00 - Hawaiian Trip

7284 1/11/98 Ayn Pillsbury - $400 - Xmas present

7285 - 1/11/98 - Wells Fargo - $460.00 - Credit card

7287 - 1/11/98 - Northridge emergency - $80.80 - Ed, service used December 1st.

7286 - 1/11/98 - S.B. Pulmonary Critical Care - $460.00 - Ed, for service in November

7288 - 1/12/98 - Ben Ray - $178.00 - cabin repair for plumbing

7289 - 1/12/98 - American Spectator - $54.95 - subscription for Craig

7290 - 1/13/98 - American Express Corporate Card, ACP - $2200 - for non-profits

7291 - 1/13/98 - Dawn Pillsbury - $2,000 School tuition, spring term

7292 - Susan Lundgren - $130.00 - Yoga

7293 - 1/14/98 - Vons - $220 - groceries

7294 - 1/14/98 - Prudential Insurance - $939.00 - Household insurance

7295 - 1/14/98 - Robinson’s - $62.00 - towels

7298 - 1/15/98 - Rndolph Mayted - $50.00 - Ed, household care

7300 - 1/16/98 - Dr. Marquart - $140.00 - Justin therapy

7301 - 1/17/98 - Cathedral Oaks Club - $1,135.00 - Family membership, tennis $300 extra for Craig.

7302 - 1/17/98 - Pac Bell - $101.00 - cabin phone

7303 - 1/17/98 - GasCompany - $100.00 - Anacapa

7304 - 1/17/98 - Popular Science - $17.94 (2 years) - for Ed, Xmas present

7305 - 1/18/98 - Natural Wonders - $76.45 - Xmas gifts

7306 - 1/18/98 - Dennesia Guerrero - $90.00 - house cleaner

7307 - 1/18/98 - Mobile Oil - $70.00 - gasoline

7308 - 1/18/98 - Citibank - $50.00 - Melinda’s credit card

7309 - 1/19/98 - GTE - $200 - House phone

7310 - 1/19/98 - Penney’s - $20.00

7311 - 1/19/98 - Honda - $150.00 - Ayn’s car, graduation gift from last May

7313 - 1/21/98 - Susan Lundgren - $130.00 - Yoga

7314 - 1/21/98 - Vons - $100.00 - groceries

7315 - 1/21/98 - Dr. Marquart - $140.00 - Justin’s therapy

7316 - 1/21/98 - Long’s Drug Store - $76.29 - film development from Hawaii

7317 - 1/21/98 - First USA - $1,350.00 - Hawaii trip

7318 - 1/22/98 - Martinizing - $35.72 - Craig’s drycleaning from Europe

7319 - 1/22/98 - DAR - $36.00 - Melinda, lunch

7320 - 1/22/98 - Santa Barbara City College - $42.82 - Ed’s books for school

7321 - 1/22/98 - Dennesia Guerrero - $95.00 - house cleaning

7322 - 1/22/98 - Vons - $90.00 - Groceries to make Craig his special favorites

After 1/23/98 relating to Hawaii trip

7330 - 1/26/98 - American Express - $2,910.00 - Hawaii trip

Exhibit 56 - Chronology for Tax activity - 1987 - 1997

 Exhibit 56 - Annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit 51, true and exact copies of the original in my possession of “Exhibit 56 - Chronology for Tax activity  - 1987 - 1997 , a true and exact copy of the original in my possession, these facts are referenced herein as though set forth in full. 

Chronology for Tax activity
In addition to taxes withheld from paycheck


April 15 $2,989.00 IRS 86
April 15 $137.00 IRS 86

February 15 $2,297.00 SFTB 87 Tax withheld
August 8 $6,757.00 IRS 87

February 2 $803.19 SFTB 86
March 1 $803.17 SFTB 86
April 3 $1,155.33 SFTB 86
April 15 $1,869.00 IRS 88
May 1 $1,155.33 SFTB 86
June 14 $1,155.33 SFTB 86


November 27 $1,391.00 SFTB 89


November 15 $2,123.00 IRS 90


January 15 $1,570.00 IRS 90
February 28 $3,341.00 IRS 90
March 21 $5,211.00 IRS 90
March 21 $1,192.00 IRS 91
April 15 $6,038.00 IRS 91


August 9 $4,000.00 IRS 91
August 25 $1,628.00 IRS 91
September 5 $1,321.00 IRS 91
October 3 $1,393.00 IRS 91
October 18 $601.00 IRS 91
October 18 $2,059.20 IRS 92
November 14 $1,959.50 IRS 92

November 27 $278.00 SFTB - 87- Late filing penalty
November 27$13,608.00 IRS 87 - add. tax assessed by examination
November 27$23,915.00 IRS 88 - add. tax assessed by examination
November 27$16,698.65 IRS 88 - interest on add. tax
November 27 $3,088.00 SFTB - 89 - Late filing Penalty November 27$91,378.00 IRS 91 - add. tax assessed by examination
November 27 $2,349.69 IRS 91 - interest
November 29 $1,604.90 IRS 92

February 2 $878.00 IRS 93
March 3 $4,850.00 IRS 93
March 25 $2,806.00 IRS 93
April 2 $4,001.00 IRS 93
April 18 $3,795.00 IRS 93
July 6 LIEN SFTB - 89
September 6 $9,448.00 IRS 93
September 30 $1,395.62 IRS 88 - penalty for late payment
September 30 $2,693.45 IRS 88 - interest assessment
September 30 $1,521.08 IRS 89 - Penalty
September 30 $2,627.59 IRS 89 - Interest Assessment
September 30 $1,238.45 IRS - 87 - Interest
November 27 $88,069.00 IRS 89 - Additional assessed tax
November 27 $14,232.21 SFTB 89
November 27$104,352.00 IRS 90 Add. tax assessed by examination
November 27 $5,806.17 IRS 90 - interest
December 15 $834.30 IRS 88
December 15 $11,757.10 IRS 87 - Bill payment

February 10 $6,373.70 IRS 88
February 15 $1,067.98 IRS 88
February 15 $2,228.39 IRS 89
March 1 $697.00 IRS 89
March 1 $1,839.05 IRS 89
March 3 $1,839.00 IRS 89
March 24 $1,222.00 IRS 90
April 7 $154.00 IRS 90
April 7 $550.70 IRS 94
April 28 $3,979.00 IRS 94

Exhibit 55 – Note to attorney regarding records needed, Will missing

Exhibit 55 - Annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit 51, true and exact copies of the original in my possession of “Exhibit 55 Note to attorney regarding records needed, Will missing, a true and exact copy of the original in my possession, these facts are referenced herein as though set forth in full. 

Document originated January 25, 1999 for Attorney 

Documents we need

A copy of Craig’s will which has mysteriously disappeared. This named all of the kids as his natural heirs.

Craig’s pay stubs from June 1997 - to present.


Exhibit 54 – Notes on Dr. Franklin made by Pillsbury-Foster in 1998

Exhibit 54Annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit 51, true and exact copies of the original in my possession ofExhibit 54 – Notes on Dr. Franklin made by Pillsbury-Foster in 1998, a true and exact copy of the original in my possession, these facts are referenced herein as though set forth in full. 

Dr. Carl Franklin

Dr. Franklin, Craig’s father, is a vice-president emeritus of USC. He was also vice-president of the school of law. He has six earned degrees. He will tell you this after an acquaintanceship of approximately 30 seconds.

The Franklins had four children, three boys and a girl. Birth order was:

Craig, Sterling (ten months later), Larry, and Priscilla.

I did not have a good relationship with anyone in Craig’s family. They were very cold people. I will give you some background and then my own experiences.

I know from what Craig told me that all of the kids resented their parents behavior towards them.

Dr. & Mrs. Franklin were both obsessed with sex. They had both been virgins when their married and expected their children to do the same. They mentioned this in my hearing more than once.

Dr. Franklin tried to have Larry thrown out of Stanford’s combined MBA law program when he found out that Larry had had sex with his girl friend. He had graduated from Stanford the year previous.

Dr. Franklin refused to attend Craig’s first wedding because Craig married a fat Jewish divorcee. He objected on all counts. They refused to let any of Craig’s siblings attend, either. Craig was then working at MIT as a mathematician. He had graduated from Stanford in 3 1/2 years and moved as far away as possible from his parents.

He had moved home briefly after graduation and moved because his father hit him. He was practicing playing the piano when this occurred.

When Scott, their son, was born, Dr. & Mrs. Franklin debated whether or not to recognize his existence. They decided to do so. Marginally.

When Larry married a Chinese girl after they both graduated from the Stanford MBA program Dr. Franklin again threatened to boycott the wedding. This time Mrs. Franklin insisted on going, however, and Dr. Franklin went with her, glowering at everyone and making racist jokes.

Since then Mai, has managed to develop a relationship with Dr. Franklin. Mrs. Franklin died in the early 1990’s. I think it was 1990. I know the date. April 1. We thought it was a joke at first.

Larry puts together large international funding for projects, such as the building of dams. His wife’s family is very wealthy. Larry and Mai were the two people in the family I liked.

The second brother, Sterling, is an incompetent attorney who graduated from Loyola. He has never married. I suspect he gambles and has other strange habits. Craig could never stand him.

The sister’s name is Priscilla and she married a Lew Overton in 1984 or 5. She is a hospital administrator. Craig has evidently made up with her now.

Melinda’s Experience with the Franklins.

They never liked me. But I don’t think they really like any of their children, either. Of course they disapproved of the fact Craig and I were not married when Justin was born. He must of known that would happen. I felt like he was using me as a way to get back at them in some sense. They did ugly things.

They invited Craig and myself to spend Mother’s Day with them. But my children were not invited. I declined. Craig was angry, he wanted me to go with him.

Scott came out for Xmas and I arranged to take all the kids up to see my parents. When I told them Scott would be with us they asked about him, though they had never met him, and made sure there were presents waiting for him to open. The same year we took presents to Craig’s parents. They gave Scott a check for $200. Craig a check for $200. Justin a check for $20; And me a box of candy with a tag inside wishing the Franklins a lovely Christmas. The candy was moldy, and obviously left mostly untouched since at least the year before. It was  too old to eat. They gave my kids nothing, not even civil behavior. I gritted my teeth and was polite.

They came to the wedding but refused to come to the rehearsal dinner. Larry was there and insisted on pouring wine for our Muslim friend who was to perform the ceremony.

Our relations were always strained.

I saw them very seldom and preferred it that way. Craig would walk out when they visited and go lay down on our bed. The awkwardness of being left to entertain them alone was only one of the downsides. He generally read while we visited at their house.

Now, something else that reveals their family values.  

About three years ago Priscilla finally told her father that Larry, the closest to her in age, had molested her when they were kids. She would have been around twelve when this happened. Her father refused to believe her. Larry confessed some part of the truth to Craig, who had decided to believe Priscilla because I heard her story and recognized that it fit the pattern of abuse followed by attempts to dissuade the victim from complaining, calling her veracity into question on all possible occasions. I can’t stand Priscilla, but I told Craig I believed her and why.

Dr. Franklin did not want any unpleasantness to mar his golden years so Priscilla was to shut up. They may have made up now. But the truth did not interest Dr. Franklin. It also demonstrates their attitudes about sex and secretiveness.

Priscilla married when she was in her thirties. She has no children of her own.

He knew that O.J. Simpson was not receiving an education, knew that O.J.’s then wife was holding a job she was incapable of doing, and participated with his