The NeoCons

These Exhibits document events taking place in conjunction with the group of people today identified as 'neoconservatives' or NeoCons. 

John Fund

 Exhibit 1 -  Website Home Page:  Copied on this site.  Original:  

 Exhibit 2 - "Notes on Fund Deposition from Gary Fish to Morgan Pillsbury" October 4th,


Exhibit 3 - October 27, 1999 Fax to the Wall Street Journal

Exhibit 4 - Email Memo from Michael Cory to William Bartley regarding JF credit card

Exhibit 5 - Letter and Post card from Fund to Melinda - 1988

Exhibit 6 - Letter to David Steinberger re: Mark Crispin Miller

Exhibit 7 - IM dialog between Matt Drudge and "John Fund," actually Morgan

Exhibit 8 - Morgan's rejection of coerced statement 2002

Exhibit 9 - Letter affirming abuse of Morgan by John Fund, Eric Buchanan

Exhibit 10 - Letter from Fidelity Investments January 25, 2002

Exhibit 11 - Charges of  domestic violence in Jersey City, 2001

Exhibit 12 - Email exchange with Gail Heriot January 18, 2002

Exhibit 13 - Wedding arrangements 

 Exhibit 14 - Email to Morgan documenting gift of checks January 19, 2002

 Exhibit 15 - Deposition, NY 

 Exhibit 16 - Letter from Office of the DA, NY September 30, 2009

 Exhibit 17 - Letter from long time Libertarian 

 Exhibit 18 Deposition by Manuel Klausner

 Exhibit 19 - John Fund Deposition Sidney Blumenthal Case

 Exhibit 20 - Legal Correspondence and Expense, Talk Magazine

 Exhibit  21 - An Open Letter to Steven M. Craig

 Exhibit 22 - Announcement wedding will not take place

 Exhibit 23 -  Police Report, 2002, New York

 Exhibit 24 - Letter to Group Professionals 

Exhibit 25 -  Notarized affidavit dated January 24, 2002.
                         Link to Fund website  

Exhibit 26 -  Handwritten undated letter to the Wall Street Journal
                         Link to Fund Website 

Exhibit 27 -  Answer and Verified Counterclaim of John H. Fund dated January 23, 2003 in
                       the case of Morgan Pillsbury v. John Fund, Citicorp Group and Jane Doe, Index
                       No. 121868/02 (N.Y. Sup. Ct.)

Exhibit 28 - E-mail message from the woman in question to Professor Gail Heriot of the
                      University of San Diego School of Law. This is one among many such harassing 
                      and often vulgar communications sent by the woman in question to female 
                      friends and acquaintances of mine. Note that she was using an America-Online 
                      e-mail address that made it appear the message came from me.

More from Fund site 

UPDATE: On July 14, 2006, my accuser abandoned her meritless claim against me in the case of Morgan Pillsbury v. John Fund, Citicorp Group and "Jane Doe," Index No. 121868-02 (N.Y. Sup. Ct.: N.Y. County). She received absolutely no money from me or anyone else as a result of her voluntary dismissal with prejudice, and she was clearly entitled to none. The dismissal occurred minutes before trial was to begin when it finally became clear to her that I would not submit to her demands.

As the attached transcript reveals, at the same time, I dropped my counterclaims against her. While these counterclaims were well-founded, they had been filed only in response to my accuser's suit and had no monetary value on their own, since she is clearly judgment proof. I also promised to return miscellaneous property that she had left at my home several years ago. This property had long since been put into storage by me, and my attorney had made multiple efforts to return it to my accuser. Those efforts, however, had been met with silence.

The wheels of American justice turn slowly--painfully slowly at times. But at least in this case, they have turned surely. I would like to thank my attorney, Fred Kessler, for all his hard work. I would also like to thank Professor Gail Heriot. Despite my accuser's outrageous threats to sue Gail and her wholly uninvolved employer and colleagues, she flew across the country to be ready to testify each time the trial was scheduled to occur. I don't know what I would have done without Fred and Gail. I hope this will end an unhappy chapter in my life and look forward to the future.

Gail Heriot
Exhibit 1 - Gail's Face Book    
Exhibit 2 - Gail Heriot's Website     
Exhibit 3 - Email to John Fund
Exhibit 4 - Libelous Letter 

 Exhibit 4 - Letter from Heriot to Gene Gaudette

Fund Job Program for Indigent and Morally Bankrupt Journalists 

Exhibit 1 - Letter to Elle Magazine, June 11, 2004

Exhibit 2 - Lloyd Grove on misuse of photo

Exhibit 3 - Letter regarding Elle Article from Jennifer Bambi, August 27, 2004

Exhibit 4 - Email exchange Alterman and Morgan, Mother's Day 2003

Exhibit 5 - Email response from Alterman July 4, 2003 

Exhibit 6 - Christine Reis Hall and Jule Currie

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