Friday, December 28, 2012

Exhibit 51 - Letter to Mr. Clark from Prudential Insurance, May 5, 1999

Exhibit 51 - Annexed hereto and marked as Exhibit 51, true and exact copies of the original in my possession of “Exhibit 51 – Letter to Mr. Clark from Prudential Insurance, May 5, 1999,” a true and exact copy of the original in my possession, these facts are referenced herein as though set forth in full.

Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
2028 Anacapa Street
Santa Barbara, California 93105

May 5, 1999

Dear Mr. Clark,

As I told you I am now divorced and intend to keep the house on Anacapa which is insured by Prudential through yourself.
I will forward on to my attorney a copy of this letter, which I am signing and returning to you. But I do not think Craig will sign it. He has refused to cooperate with any routine business and I am now using a mail drop because my mail was disappearing.
I will have my attorney send him a copy with a demand he sign. I may have to take him to court to get his compliance.
He, afterall, changed the address with the mortgage company even though he has not paid the mortgage for over a year. This is the third time he has done this this year.
Thank you for your patience.


Melinda Pillsbury-Foster

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